Leathersmithing is inherently a very eco friendly trade. Everything is done by hand, and besides a bit of electricity for a laptop, camera, and a light, I use very little other energy. While I usually try to be kind to mother nature, I've never been super fanatical about it. I'm introducing a new selection of wallets, I'll call them Scrap Wallets. They're made out of just that: scrap. I've had this idea for a little while, and I finally got to act on it this weekend while traveling. I'll be making, from time to time, wallets out of interesting, reclaimed leather from my shop. I've got the first two here, and they're available for purchase on the main site now.
This first one is a regular snap wallet with 6 card slots. The shell is made from a piece of leather I've used to test dyes I custom mix. The concho is a hand made peso concho I got from an artisan in the midwest.
This next one was a big piece of leather that got spilled on, it's a maroon color (more red than this photo, I couldn't get it to come out right). It's got 3 card slots and a coin pouch, and again- a handmade peso concho for a snap.

and lastly, here's a picture of the past group's orders (well, half of them)