Tuesday, November 25, 2008

here's a few updates for everyone: 

Belt's are on their way~ The hide's in the mail, then it's cutting and assembling and I'll get them in the store asap. They'll be custom sized, as usual, in black and natural. 

I've been working on designing my first line, which is going to be released hopefully around the first of the year, possibly in stages. So far I've got a couple slim card holders being refined and 2 wallets in sketch form. I'll post more as I get things done, I'd like to do 2 card holders, 2 wallets and 2 midlengths if I can, probably 10 each. 

I'm almost done with custom orders. Only about 8 or 9 left, which should take probably 3 more weeks because of my school work (which sucks right now, I'm so busy). 

Here's a couple projects from this week, and hope everyone stateside has a lovely Thanksgiving.

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